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ビアンコむらの あかコイン

The first red coins shine in the run, this level is very customizable in movement. Below are the two most popular ways as well as the hardest and fastest in the IL. New runners may benefit from creating their own movement since it tends to be easier to remember, or use a mix of both of the videos.


Recommended for beginners, without any GWK's, Y-turns, or hoverslides.

Bianco 4 Example Easy
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A bit harder than the previous video, I recommend learning most of these as soon as you're comfortable with hoverslides.

Bianco 4 Example Hard
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Backhover Slide

In order to backhover slide hold R and back on the control stick and dive into the water.

Triple Jump on the Log

This jump can be a bit tricky to get the first time, but once you get it, it should be free every time. When watersliding at the end of the path, hold R with the hover nozzle equipped. This will ensure that you hover as soon as you go off the edge of the path. Let go of R and jump on the log. After this you may need to hold right a bit to have Mario land on the grass for the triple jump. This is fine as long as the triple jump suceeds.

Triple Jump Y-Turn (Example 2)

This beginning is similar to the Log Jump except when hitting the ground press Y and A at the same time and hold the control stick right. Once you've gained enough height and are facing the right direction, hold R to hover. This automatically cancels first person view.

Hoverslides (Example 2)

Hoverslides are easy in concept, but somewhat difficult to learn until you have some experience with the game. While walking forward simply press R and then B (After letting go of R) as fast as possible.

Spin Jumping out of a Rollout (Example 2)

Similar to a normal buffered spin jump, spin the stick while in the air and land with it pointing in the direction you want to jump. Spin jumping out of a rollout does have a limit in terms of what angle you can jump. They become inconsistent with jumping for than 90 degrees left or right.

Tap Hovering in Mid-air (Example 2)

A mechanic with hovering in SMS is that it cancles all of your velocity on the Z axis (up and down) and also conserves horizontal momentum in quick bursts. Using this method you  can get a bit more distance out of your jump.

GameCube Lag

When playing this level on the GameCube, you may experience some lag on getting the seventh coin. This often messes with hover timing and to avoid it simply hover in a more direct line to the platform.

Glitchy Wall Kicks or GWK's (Example 2)

GWK's are done by pressing Y and then A jumping off of a wall. Time the Y press like you would an A press for a normal walljump, then press a while the camera is zooming in. To cancel first person camera you can tap R after Y.


By: Dobedto in 43.26 on December 18, 2017

Bianco 4 IL
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