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Shadow Mario comes back, this time in Pianta Village. In any% this level is one of the shortest, depending on what strategies you use, and it's usually easy to kill him before he gets too far.


Pianta 7 Example
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Bridge Slide

To do the bridge slide simply hold R when spawning in and do a jump dive. Note that this will not work on Pianta 5 and 6.

Not Clipping the Bridge

Similar to the log jump in Bianco Hills, just hold R with the hover nozzle. As soon as you start hovering let go of R and press A.

Analog Triggers

GameCube triggers are analog not binary, meaning the game can tell how hard ou're holding down the trigger. A useful mechanic in SMS is to only hold down the trigger partially. This allows Mario to run and spray at the same time.

Efficient Spraying

If your initial spam sprays don't kill Shadow Mario don't attempt to keep spam spraying him. The most efficient way from that point is to hold down R partially and run after him while spraying. A common misconception is that it works better the closer you are to him, but this isn't true. It's actually much more efficient to have the end of the water stream hitting him as this does the most damage.

Kill Spots

Shadow Mario cannot die at any time, and there are certain spots in his route where he can. Damage still counts at any time, however if you get him to zero health in between kill spots, you'll have to hit him one more time while he's there.


By: LucarioSRL in 16.21 on January 7, 2018

Pianta 7 | 16.21
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